Findorff Headquarters

Situated along the shores of Monona Bay, Findorff’s headquarters is an iconic building prominently sited on a corner lot in downtown Madison.

Madison, Wisconsin

Saiki Design provided original site planning and design for the J.H. Findorff & Sons Headquarters building, constructed on the shores of Monona Bay. The headquarters building and site exemplifies the company’s core commitment to character, community and craftsmanship. Low stone walls gracefully arc from the main entrance; stone bollards mark accessible stalls and blend in with the character of the building and site.

A testament to the team mentality fostered during the initial site planning and design, Saiki Design was again selected nearly ten years later to expand underground parking while maintaining the aesthetic entry experience for visitors to the building. The addition presented an opportunity to add an employee break patio and additional open space adjacent to the building. The addition also happened in tandem with a new Urban Land Interest apartment building, Nine Line at the Yards, next door.

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